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funny stuff!
George Carlin talking about 'stuff' - 1986
- caution - some coarse language from George |
10 ways to get rid of stuff immediately
- Clothes. Start with clothes that don't fit or are no longer in style or that you no longer like.
- Books. Get rid of books. No need to hold on to books unless they are your favorite or collectibles.
- Audio and Visual. CD's and DVD's are no longer needed when you can access music and movies in so many other online ways.
- Equipment. Get rid of equipment you no longer use. Gardening, Sports, and other! PS. I no longer ice skate anymore.
- Decorative Items. How many decorative nick-knacks. can one have? Activity: Lay five nick-knacks out and choose one to keep.
- Paper. Do you have too much paper? Consider scanning the important documents into your computer.
- Past Items. What to keep of the past? if it is a good memory - keep it or take a picture of it. If it is a memory you'd rather forget - then let it go. PS. I had a ceremony to say 'good-bye' to my memories which no longer brought me happiness.
- Luggage, Bags, and Purses. How many of these items have you accumulated? Consider what you can do without. It will provide more room in your closet or storage area.
- Kitchen. What do you need to make your kitchen work? Discard the rest.
- Furniture. Getting rid of furniture will make you room feel spacious - immediately!
Donate some of the above items to a thrift store. I like giving to Salvation Army, Hospital Auxiliary Store, and/or Hospice Thrift because the money collected from your stuff goes to a greater cause!
Or sell some of it like we am doing - and work towards a goal!